The aims of the Society are to promote and foster amateur radio activities within the Royal Air Force and, through Amateur Radio, to maintain and foster the close bonds that exist between radio amateurs who are serving in the Royal Air Force and those who have retired from, or have close links with, the Royal Air Force.
You may join as a Corporate Member if:
You are serving or have served with the RAF or one of it's Reserves
You are, or have been, a Civilian employed by the Ministry of defence (Air)
You are an Officer, Cadet or Instructor in the Air Training Corps or the Royal
Air Force section of the Combined Cadet Force.
You may join as an Associate Member if:
You are, or have been, connected with a Commonwealth, NATO or Allied Air Force
in either a serving or a civilian capacity
You do not qualify for Corporate membership but, nevertheless, wish to assist
the Society in achieving its published Aims.
Family membership is available to 2 or more members residing at the same
Only one copy of each issue of any publication will be sent to a family
You may join as a Student Member if:
If you can provide proof that you are in receipt of full-time Education or
Student membership may be continued after the first year if proof of continued
student status can be provided.
Associate Membership and Student Membership is subject to approval by RAFARS